Operational Effectiveness to Support Excellence
Collaborate with Province Committee Chairmen to establish committee goals and timelines to execute our goals, to bring more value back to the membership.
Ensure committee goals align with Western Province needs, where applicable.
Ensure that our province chapter certification process, completes its transition into a fully automated and streamlined process into kappaorg.com, comparable to how we currently complete our officer reports in Kappaorg.
Collaborate with key stakeholders to build out a Western Province 3-5 year vision and strategy plan, that aligns with the pillars of our Grand Chapter 5 year Strategic Plan Initiative. Our plan will be designed to address our needs as a province and support our Province Polemarch.
Strengthening Relationships in the Bond
Increase engagement with all chapters and information sharing with our Chapter Polemarchs.
Identify ways to make our Province events more accessible so more brothers can attend and receive the intended enrichment.
Explore technology for virtual attendance options during in-person Province events.
Host more virtual events to connect with more brothers and grow inter-chapter relationships.
Actively explore options to decrease fianancial burdens on the Province and the Brothers, with out trading off quality of the event or the brothers experience.
Identify ways that chapters can share operational and fellowship best practices
Establish and share a province calendar of events that is informed by submitted event- checklists.
Incentivize Brothers to support at least two other chapter events with the creation of a new Province Award- that acknowledges Brotherly behavior and chapter support.
Strategic Growth Focus
Collaborate with the Jr Province Vice Polemarch, undergraduates and alumni to stand up an Undergraduate Taskforce focused on identifying challenges and providing solutions and resources for our unique challenges in our Province for our Undergrad Chapters.
Partner with Alumni Chapters to help identify opportunities to establish new undergraduate chapters in our Province, using a repeatable framework and process to be referenced for future growth and development opportunities.
Establish a successful matriculation plan from Undergraduate to Alumni that clearly shows the value and support waiting for our undergraduate brothers in our alumni chapters upon graduation.
Help establish tailored reclamation goals for every Alumni chapter in the Province to grow our province.
Ensure that all Alumni chapters designate a Reclamation Chairman.
Design a comprehensive program that prescribes best practices on how to reclaim and keep a brother engaged in your chapter, along with tools and resources to assist in those efforts.
Provide undergraduate chapters with a replicable plan to host an annual reunion/reclamation activity with alumni chapter support.
Establish a "Re-engagement" campaign designed to attract Brothers to help right the wrongs, of our dear Brothers not being on the great scroll of our fraternity.
External Partnerships
Identify organizations that are willing to contribute to our Province financially or provide in- kind valuable services to our membership.
Establish a Western Province Council Sponsorship packet to demonstrate valuable ways in which a company can engage with our Province, by having them purchase sponsorship packages for Province Council activations.
Build out a governance structure for our Western Province Foundation 501c3, so our province can begin to build its philanthropic presence, which will create more opportunities for our province.
Develop for consideration a Province Life Membership Program
Establish an investment account managed by a financial asset portfolio professional, with oversight from a special committee of skilled brothers, that report to the Province Board of Directors with a regular cadence of reports to the entire province.
Be sure to check out: My Experience My Vision My Personal Guiding Principles